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Music 24: Social Engagement Through Music

Music 24: Social Engagement Through Music

Assembling the Archive

How Betty came to be involved with Harvard and its Department of Music is itself a story for the archive. While still living in Washington, D.C., Betty came to know Kay Kaufman Shelemay, Professor of Music and Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University. After her fieldwork in Ethiopia, Professor Shelemay followed the growth of the Ethiopian diaspora in New York, Boston, and D.C. In an effort to expand the holdings of the Library of Congress, Shelemay followed the “musical lives” of a number of Ethiopian artists, including Betty’s father, Melaku Gelaw. Eventually, Shelemay reached out to Betty, too, and they have stayed in touch since then.


“Music 24: Social Engagement Through Music: Histories, Economies, Communities” is the project of the aforementioned Professor Shelemay, Professor Carol J. Oja, Professor Michael Uy, and Teaching Fellow Matthew Leslie Santana. Collectively, they brought together a group of Harvard undergraduates and immigrant artists from the Boston/Cambridge community – Betty included. The class was a partnership with the Mindich Program in Engaged Scholarship and a collaboration with the Mass(achusetts) Cultural Council (MCC). At the end of the semester, in an effort to elevate the platform of the artists, the students and musicians put together a concert at Holden Chapel on Harvard University’s campus.

Meeting Meklit

During the semester, the renown Ethio-American musician, Meklit Hadero, visited Music 24 to talk about her experience as an immigrant artist and to give the class insights on how to best manage a career in the music "ecology." Meklit very graciously listened to the concerns of the visiting artists, as they have struggled to find spaces to teach in Boston and Cambridge. Very kindly, Meklit also performed with Betty. 


Betty and the other musicians, pictured from left to right: Zhantao Lin, Sixto (Tito) Ayala, Betelehem Melaku, Meklit Hadero, and Shyam Nepali.

The Music 24 musicians and students.

Working with Harvard Students

Betelehem was assigned to work with a group of four undergraduate students: Arlesia McGowan ('19), Valentina Gutiérrez ('20), Jenny Baker ('21), and Alyssa Kim ('22). At the head was Professor Shelemay, who guided Team Betty and helped them understand the historical context in which Ethiopian immigration to the United States began, as well as the current state of immigration in Boston. Arlesia, Jenny, and Alyssa – talented musicians in their own right – also accompanied Betty in her performance at Holden Chapel. Watch below to see Betty teach them how to sing a traditional Ethiopian song. 

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